Strona, archiwalna

Strona, którą przeglądasz jest stroną archiwalną, działającą do czerwca 2017r.

Aktualna strona znajduje się pod adresem:


Portal Jednostek Samorządu Terytorialnego

Związek Powiatów Polskich

About Us

Association of Polish Counties

The scope of activity and competences

The aim of the Association of Polish Counties is to support the idea of local government administration, integrate and protect counties' mutual interests, develop common policy, support initiatives for counties' development and promotion, exchange experiences and disseminate model development and management solutions among counties.

The objective of the Association includes also running and supporting scientific, technical and scientific, educational, cultural, physical culture and sport and environmental protection activities, as well as supporting social initiatives for health care, social welfare and vocational and social rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

The primary activity of the Association of Polish Counties is based on involvement in the legislative process by giving opinions, drawing up petitions for amendments of legal regulations and direct involvement in the assemblies that legislate and give opinions on draft legislation.

The Association of Polish Counties represents interests of the associated counties and it may represent interests of other counties at their request.

The Association of Polish Counties may be a member of national and international organizations with a similar objective of their activities and it may cooperate with other domestic and foreign organizations representing local government units.

It achieves the aforementioned objectives by way of:

  1. representing counties at the national and international forum,
  2. initiating and giving opinions on draft legislation regarding local government units,
  3. promoting the exchange of experiences in the scope of performance of own tasks of counties and government administration tasks,
  4. inspiring and taking common initiatives which have an impact on the growth of county communities,
  5. inspiring and taking common initiatives for social and economic growth of counties, establishing foreign relations and scientific and cultural exchange,
  6. providing information, advisory and programme work aimed at solving problems jointly as regards particular fields of local government activities,
  7. running publishing, training and promotional activities regarding the Association and its members' issues,
  8. cooperating with public administration bodies, associations, other social organizations and scientific communities,
  9. delegating its representatives to other organizations and institutions,
  10. initiating and organizing cultural and sports events.

The Association of Polish Counties has its representatives in the international institutions bringing together regional and local government authorities, i.e.: Congress of EU Regions, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (CLARE) in the Chamber of Local Authorities, CEMR Policy Committee or European Confederation of Local Intermediate Authorities (CEPLI asbl).


The Association of Polish Counties' contact details

Head office

Pałac Kultury i Nauki (The Palace of Culture and Science) (27 floor, room 2704)
00-901 Warsaw, Plac Defilad 1
PO Box 7
tel. (+48-22) 656 63 34
fax (+48-22) 656 63 33
NIP: 526 23 53 297

Office (mailing address)

33-300 Nowy Sącz
skr. pocztowa 119
tel. (+48-18) 477 86 00
fax (+48-18) 477 86 11
e-mail: biuro[at]powiatypolskie[dot]pl